AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance Panorama 2.0

Workshop-/Residency-Programme for (emerging) professional Black and Afrodiasporic* performing artists (active) in Berlin, providing a platform to explore and develop performance works & concepts.

There will be two editions in 2023 and applications are now open for the next round!


The AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance-Panorama offers performing artists an opportunity to develop themselves in protected, intersectional environments. It offers exchange and expansion of knowledge, networking and visibility among each other as well as across the board, resources and both financial and content-related support. Performing artists can develop autonomously, explore their own aesthetics, sharpen their perspectives, test methods and present insights into their work. The Performance Panorama consciously opens up spaces free from the paternalism of the dominant society and beyond established (structural) power and discrimination. Artistically directed and accompanied by Tessa Hart, supported by further Black artists & experts.



  • For Black and Afrodiasporic* artists (active) in Berlin in the field of performing arts (also cross-disciplinary).
  • For (aspiring) professional solo artists or collectives.
  • Particularly suitable for new collectives and emerging artists.
  • Collectives can consist of a maximum of 4 artists.
  • Collectives that are only partly made up of Black artists may also apply; the prerequisite is that the Black artists act in (co-)decision-making positions and that in these collectives even more so everyone reflects on their own privileges, positionings and unconcious biases in the collaborations. There will be overarching group meetings only open to the Black/Afrodiasporic participants.


  • Support for independent further development processes
  • Provision of rehearsal rooms / premises (one week in total between Mid-September and end of November 2023, individually coordinated dates)
  • Dramaturgical & organisational support (although no complete dramaturgy or production management)
  • Mentoring-Session with Black/Afrodiasporic mentors from the (Berlin) performance/cultural scene
  • Cross-group workshops and meetings / Exchange with the other supported artists
  • Work-In-Progress-Showcase at Forum Brasil in Kreuzberg on 1 & 2 December 2023 (availability required)
  • Image & documentation material / marketing support
  • Remuneration for development processes and showcase



If you are interested in participating in the AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance Panorama, please send us short overviews of the following information, via texts, video and/or audio formats, depending on what you prefer and have, in (at least primarily) German and/or English spoken or written language.

Applications are open until 14 August 2023 end of the day/midnight CET (Berlin-time).

The form does not save your answers automatically before sending, so make a backup copy, for example.

Alternatively, you can send us your applications directly by email to

If you have applied to the previous edition in 2023 and were not selected, you may apply again. If you want the same application to be considered you can also just let us know via mail and don’t need to resubmit it. You may, of course, also complete a new application.

Even as a very small project, we always strive to be able to meet accessibility needs and there are also specific funds available for this purpose, please feel free to give us relevant notices in the submission already.

If you would like to submit files as attachments, please send them by email to

* We mostly use the self-designations Black and/or Afrodiasporic on this website, this also includes African, Afro-German, Afro-European and other self-designations of people belonging to the African Diaspora, those who experience anti-Black racism.

AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance-Panorama is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Community.


AfroPolitan Berlin c/o Forum Brasil e.V, Möckernstraße 72, 10965 Berlin

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AfroPolitan Berlin – Identity ⋆ Creating ⋆ Community ist gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms.

Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms.

AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance Panorama ist gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.

Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Forum Brasil

You Got This! Starter Kits zusätzlich gefördert durch Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union.

Finanziert Von Der Europäischen Union

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