AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance-Panorama Edition 1.0 (2022)

Artists & Performances

„This Performance-Panorama has truly been the spark I needed.

It has given me the time and space that allowed me to focus on processing and expressing the way I experience life.

So very grateful!“ – Sade

FemBlack Performance Collective

Space and Time Improvisation by FemBlack Performance Collective

„Space and Time Improvisation by FemBlack Performance Collective is an afrofuturistic performance which explores the notion of Black bodies, collective healing process and unity through time zones (past, present and future) and improvisation.“

Mariama @frsow
Virginnia @dreamingginni
Isi @_.who.dat._
Luana @luanamadikera
& Jasmin

Naomi Bah

“Being a Black Woman” by Naomi Bah

„Starting from her solo, in which Naomi Bah illuminates her personal, social and social situation as a Black woman in the predominantly white society and embarks on an intimate journey with the audience, she takes the Performance Panorama as an opportunity to enter into dialogue with other Black women and create new content. The attempt to document and manifest Black female voices in a kind of video collage.“


Day Eve Komet

Where do your monsters hide? by Day Eve Komet

„Where do your monsters hide is a working theatre piece that explores the multiplicity of being. What do you do with a world that fails to understand, that you can not always understand?

Perhaps you make a new world or perhaps you just…….“


Jota Ramos

What is a Mulatto? by Jota Ramos

“In Brazil, the feeling of racial democracy is deconstructed as we discuss the whitening policies inserted by governments that valued white aesthetics and, as a consequence, the violence practised by white men against enslaved black women. The discourse that the mulatto is the expression of Brazilianness and Brazilian beauty is undone, since the authorization for extra-racial unions was aimed at the „improvement“ of the race. „Mulatto” is the person who assumes the racist discourse and wants to approach whiteness; “negro” is the person who is conscious and committed to their people, their identity, and their cultural heritage. The mulatto is Negro.”


Die intensivste Leichtigkeit // ZOOM by Sade

“but I want to get back to the core of me 

Where it’s so dark that no eyes could ever see

Where it’s so deep that no arms could ever reach 

Where it’s so silent that no ears will be in need 

fucking stop looking and start to breath 

Am I an artist or actually an autist or an orphan or all of ‘em or none of the above? –

Maybe I m God…“

Creative Team



Magda Korsinsky, Mirah Laline, Nasheeka Nedsreal, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Yagi Taffere, Daddypuss Rex


Tessa Hart



Renata Garcia



Jenny Petzold



Zoe & Michel



Yagi Taffere



Yero Adugna Eticha



Kiara Packruhn



Lea Berger, Clara Dietz & Forum Brasil Team


Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. / Gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.


AfroPolitan Berlin c/o Forum Brasil e.V, Möckernstraße 72, 10965 Berlin

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AfroPolitan Berlin – Identity ⋆ Creating ⋆ Community ist gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms.

Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms.

AfroPolitan Berlin – Performance Panorama ist gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.

Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Forum Brasil

You Got This! Starter Kits zusätzlich gefördert durch Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union.

Finanziert Von Der Europäischen Union

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